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Gosport Independent Panel

Index' re 'Operation Rochester' - 'Inquest Gladys Richards'

Volume 1: Section 1 - Summary and Complaint - Summary, Statement Mrs Lack, Statement Mrs Mackenzie, Interview Mrs Mackenzie; Section 2 - Expert Report - Professor Brian Livesley, Professor Gary Ford, Dr David Black. Volume 2: Section 3 - Gosport War Memorial staff potentially culpable - Interview Dr Barton, Prepared statement Dr Barton, Interview Mr Beed, Interview Ms Couchman, Interview Ms Joice; Section 4 - Royal Hospital Haslar and Patient Transfer - Statement Dr Reid, Statement Flt Lt Edmondson, Statement Mr Warren, Interview Warren, Statement Mr Tanner. Volume 3: Section 5 Healthcare Staff - Interview Dr Lord, Interview L M Balacchino, Statement M Berry, Interview J M Brewer, Interview J Cook, Interview E Dalton, Statement W Edgar, Interview A Fletcher, Interview J E Florio, Statement A Funnell, Statement S R Giffin, Interview S R Giffin, Interview C Marjoram. Volume 4 - Statement G McCarthy, Interview J K Moss, Interview M J Perkins, Interview M C Pulford, Statement M Rushton, Interview A Tubbritt, Interview C A Tyler, Interview F L Walker, Interview K M Wallington Section 6 - Continuity and Exhibits - Statement L Humphrey, Statement J Rix, Statement J H Bassett, Statement G Llowarch, Statement J Clark. Exhibits: JC/1 Certificate of Medical Attendant forms B, C and F in respect of Gladys Richards, JC/2 Application for Cremation Form A, GL/1 Medical certificate of cause of death re Gladys Richards (Currently with the GMC), LH/10 Controlled drug register for GWMH 17 May 1998-11 September 1998, LFR/DC/1 Death Certificate of Gladys Richards 13 April 1907 - 21 August 1998, LH/1 Medical records Gladys Richards GWMH, JR/10 Medical records Gladys Richards Haslar Hospital.


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Contributing organisation:
Portsmouth and South East Hampshire Coroner’s Office
Number of pages:
Referenced in the report: