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Gosport Independent Panel

Witness statement of Lesley Forbes Humphrey (Quality Manager, Portsmouth Health Care NHS Trust) referring to her involvement in the treatment and care of Gladys Richards and her medical notes in particular

Signature witnessed by: DCI R J Burt. Statement also refers to Daedalus Ward, exhibit LH/1/C (Health Record of Gladys Richards), Glen Heathers Nursing Home, Doctor J Barton, Staff Nurse Giffin, Royal Haslar Hospital, Philip Beed (Clinical Manager), exhibits LH/1/C/2 ('Supply of Address Labels'), LH/1/C/3 ('File Divider - Correspondence), LH/1/C/4 and 5 ('Provider Spell Summary'), LH/1/C/6 ('Letter from Royal Hospital Haslar' (dated 17 August 1998)), LH/1/C/8 ('Letter from Gosport War Memorial Hospital' (dated 14 August 1998)), LH/1/C/9 ('Letter from the Portsmouth Health Care NHS Trust' (dated 5 August 1998)), LH/1/C/10 ('File Divider - Clinical Record'), LH/1/C/11 ('(Medical) History Sheet'), LH/1/C/12 ('File Divider - Therapy and Nursing Notes'), LH/1/C/13 ('General Information Form'), LH/1/C/14 ('Summary Form'), LH/1/C/15 ('Assessment Sheet'), LH/1/C/16 ('Abbreviated Mental Study'), LH/1/C/17 ('The Barthel ADL Index'), LH/1/C/18 ('Waterlow Pressure Sore Prevention/Treatment Policy'), LH/1/C/19 ('Lifting/Handling Risk Calculator'), LH/1/C/20 ('Patient Medication Information') and others.


Unique ID:
27 Jan 2000
Contributing organisation:
Portsmouth and South East Hampshire Coroner’s Office
Number of pages:
Referenced in the report: