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Email from Lisa to Beatrice Noel re 'Gladys Richards Inquest (2 weeks)' enclosing associated correspondence

Email concerns family witness correspondence, the fact that Mrs Mackenzie and Mrs O'Brien (sisters) 'do not get on' and summons letters to Mrs Mackenzie, Mrs O'Brien, Dr Reid, Philip Warren, Prof Ferner, Mr Philip Beed, Mrs Margaret Couchman, Mrs Christine Joice, Dr Barton and Prof Black. Task 'completed' 19 April 2013. Enclosing: 1. Acknowledgement re summons to appear at the Inquest into the death of Mrs Gladys Richards signed by Rob Ferner 2. Four items of correspondence from David C Horsley (Her Majesty's Coroner for Portsmouth and South East Hampshire) to Mr Philip Beed, Dr Reid, Ms Christine Joice and Professor David Black re summons to give evidence touching the death of Mrs Gladys Richards with completed acknowledgement 3. Email from Gillian M Mackenzie to Beatrice Noel re 'Re: your letter dated 8 March - Inquest Mrs G M Richards' 4. Acknowledgement re summons to appear at the Inquest into the death of Mrs Gladys Richards signed by Lesley O'Brien annotated with correspondence from Lesley O'Brien to Miss Noel re incorrect designation of Mrs Gladys Richards as Mrs O'Brien's daughter 5. Two items of correspondence from Miss Beatrice Noel (Coroner's Administrative Officer) to Mrs O'Brien (dated 12 March 2013) and Mrs Gillian MacKenzie apologising for the erroneous reference to Mrs Gladys Richards as their daughter 6. Acknowledgement re summons to appear at the Inquest into the death of Mrs Gladys Richards signed by M R Couchman 7. Correspondence from David C Horsley (Her Majesty's Coroner for Portsmouth and South East Hampshire) to Dr Barton re summons to give evidence touching the death of Mrs Gladys Richards with completed acknowledgement.


Unique ID:
8 Mar 2013
Contributing organisation:
Portsmouth and South East Hampshire Coroner’s Office
Number of pages:
Referenced in the report: