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Gosport Independent Panel

Agenda entitled 'Board Meeting: 20 September 2000 Lecture Theatre Portsmouth College Tangier Road Portsmouth 7.15 pm' - 'Part I'

Refers to: Portsea Island Primary Care Group, C Lewis, J Douglas, N Torlot, J Charleworth, J Charlesworth, A Swinney, T Green, J York and C Olford. Distribution List: Barton J Dr, Bishop D Mr, Burgess M Mr, Hogan J Dr, Hooper J Professor, Hutchinson R Mr and others. Enclosing: 1. 'Public Board Meeting' - 'Notes of the Meeting held: Wednesday 14 June 2000 at Portsmouth College Tangier Road Portsmouth' (White). 2. 'Agenda Item No: 5.2' - 'PCT Development Plan' by Sheila Clark (dated 11 September 2000) (Blue). 3. 'Agenda Item No: 5.3' - 'Public Conference 2000 - Draft Programmes' by Jo York (dated 12 September 2000) (Green). 4. 'Agenda Item No: 6.1' - 'IM&T' by Colin Olford (dated 12 September 2000) (White). 5. 'Agenda Item No: 7.1' - 'Oral Health Promotion for Portsmouth and South East Hants' by Nick Torlot and Kedi Mulcock (dated 12 September 2000) (White). 6. 'Agenda Item No: 7.2' - 'Portsmouth City Health Improvement Programme: Priorities for 2001 - 2004 (incorporating Health Action Zone Conference Report)' by Jackie Charlesworth (HAZ Projects Manager) (dated 8 September 2000) (Yellow). 7. 'Agenda Item No: 7.3' - 'Coronary Heart Disease Projects Update' by Jackie Charlesworth (HAZ Projects Manager) (dated 8 September 2000) (Salmon). 8. 'Agenda Item No: 8.1' - 'Interim Commissioning And Performance Report' by Jeremy Douglas (Information Analyst) (dated 6 September 2000) (Pink). 9. 'Agenda Item No: 8.2' - 'Commissioning and Performance Management' by Charles Lewis (dated 12 September 2000) (White). 10. 'Agenda Item No: 9.1' - 'Finance Report for the Period ended 31 July 2000' by Tracy Green (General Manager) (dated 27 August 2000) (Lilac). 11. 'Agenda Item No: 10.1' - 'Quality and Clinical Governance Sub Group' by Jim Hogan (dated 12 September 2000) (White). 12. 'Agenda Item No: 10.2' - 'Clinical Governance Report' by Jo York (Quality and Communications Manager) (dated 31 August 2000) (Blue). 13. 'Agenda Item No: 11.1' - 'Prescribing' by Kathryn Alder/Colin Olford (dated 4 September 2000) (White). 14. 'Agenda Item No: 11.2' - 'Portsea Island PCG - Practice Prescribing Incentive Scheme 2000/2001' by Kathryn Alder (dated 8 August 2000) (Green). 15. 'Agenda Item No: 11.3' - 'Portsea Island PCG - Initial Analysis of end of year Prescribing Figures and Incentive Scheme' by Kathryn Alder (dated 18 August 2000) (Blue). Including: 1. 'Agenda Item No: 5.1' - 'PCT Proposal' by Sheila Clark (dated 11 September 2000) (White). 2. 'Agenda Item No: 10.3' - 'Communications and Public Involvement' by Jo York (dated 4 September 2000) (White). [Note - handwritten note on the first page and post-it note reads 'Mr John Kirtley, Chief Executive, Fareham and Gosport PCT, Part I only']. Associated with NHE000453.


Unique ID:
Owner's document ID:
Gen 12
20 Sep 2000
Contributing organisation:
NHS England
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Referenced in the report: