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Gosport Independent Panel

Email from Major Crime West Mailbox signed DI Nigel Niven re 'Lists for GWMH Staff & Portsmouth Health Care' - enclosing: List of staff interviewed by Police during 2nd Police Investigation

Enclosing: 1. 'Appendix A' - 'List of GWMH staff interviewed by police during 2nd police investigation' refers to Dr Althea Lord, Linda Balacchino, Dr Jane Barton, Philip Beed, Marion Berry, Jenny Brewer, Pauline Coleborn, Joanne Cook, Judith Cooke, Margaret Couchman, Jean Elizabeth Dalton, Anne Fletcher, Jeanette Florio, Suzanne Ford, Sylvia Giffin, Christine Joice, Joan Lock, Catherine Marjoram, Geraldine McCarthy, Jean Kathleen Moss, Rena Pearce, Margaret Jean Perkins, Monica Pulford, Carole Ratzer, Dr Reid, Barbara Robinson, Minh Rushton, Pauline Spilka, Anita Turbritt, Christine Tyler, Fiona Walker, Kathleen Wallington, James Philip Warren, Katherine Wilde and Pat Wilkins 2. 'Appendix B' - 'Portsmouth Healthcare NHS Trust Staff & Non Executive Directors Interviewed by CHI' refers to L Baldacchino, Dr V Banks, D Barker, M Barker, L Barrett, P Beed, S Brind, F Cameron, P Carroll, J Clasby, R Crane, G Day, T Douglas, J Dunleavy, S Dunleavy, P Goode, Revd J Hair, S Hallman, G Hamblin, A Haste, B Hooper, L Humphrey, D Hunt, Dr D Jarrett, C Joice, J Jones, P King, S King, S Landy, H Langdale, D Law, D Lee, J Lock, M Loney, Dr A Lord, K Mann, B Melrose, M Millett, A Monk, S Nelson, J Neville, J O'Dell, J Parvin, J Peach, L Peagram, C Phillips, I Piper, Dr L Qureshi, Dr A Ravindrance, Dr I Reid, B Robinson, T Scammel, J Taylor, Dr E Thomas, M Thorpe, A Tubbitt, F Walker, P Wells, M Wigfall, P Wilkins, J Williams, A Wilson, A Wood, L Woods and Dr J Yikona.


Unique ID:
Owner's document ID:
3 Feb 2003
Contributing organisation:
Hampshire Constabulary
Number of pages:
Referenced in the report: