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Gosport Independent Panel

Report entitled 'Operation Rochester' - 'Issue. Disclosure of Material to the General Medical Council' - 'Situation Report' by Det Supt 7227 David Williams

Includes: covering email from David M Williams to a Detective Sergeant (dated 7 January 2005) re 'Fw: Summary of contact with GMC Doc 2001 - Jan 2005'. Email chain includes: Steve Watts and Nigel Niven. 'Operation Rochester' - 'Issue. Disclosure of Material to the General Medical Council' - 'Situation Report' by Det Supt 7227 David Williams refers to Gosport War Memorial Hospital, Gladys Richards, Dr Jane Barton, Opiates, Crown Prosecution Service, Det Chief Inspector Burt, Professor Liveley, Treasury Counsel David Perry, Esa Page, Brian Cunningham, Robert Wilson, Alice Wilkie, Det Supt James, Dr Mundy, Professor Ford, Commission for Health Improvement, Detective Chief Superintendent Watts, category 1, 2 and 3, Matthew Lohn, General Medical Council, GMC Fitness to practice, Michael Hudspith, Woolgat v Chief Constable of Sussex Police 2000, GMC's Interim Orders Committee, GMC's Preliminary Proceedings Committee, Councils Professional Conduct Committee, Linda Quinn, Chief Constable Kernaghan, Mr Findlay Scott (Chief Executive of the GMC), Louise Povey, Mr Robery Dryborough-Smith, Paul Close and Mr Paul Hylton. Refers to: medicines.


Unique ID:
Owner's document ID:
7 Jan 2005
Contributing organisation:
Hampshire Constabulary
Number of pages:
Referenced in the report: