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Gosport Independent Panel

Email Exchange: Gillian Mackenzie re 'Fw: Prof Ferner'

Email chain includes: Joanne Lane. Refers to: ‘Joanne, with reference to our telephone conversation, I would be grateful if you would pass on the following letter to Prof. Ferner.’, ‘the administration of two diamorphine injections given by Philip Beed’, Haslar Hospital, syringe drivers, care worker Baldocchino, the Coroner, Dr Barton, Mr White, medicines, ‘She lost consciousness in x ray’, the Commission of Health Improvemnt Report 2002, ‘There are no detils on the medical file that my mother had a haematoma’, Daedalus Ward, the Police, ‘The PCA upheld all my complaints for investigative failures against Hampshire Constabulary in 2001’, Prof. Brian Livesley, Acting Supt. Ray Burt and ‘So far I have not had answers from Mr. White although he informs me by e mail he is behind with his e mails. In addition I am now aware that he is not on the AvMa panel of recommended solicitors at Blake Lapthorn.’.


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16 May 2013
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