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Gosport Independent Panel

Annotated excerpts from 'Advice' including 'Gladys Mabel Richards - Interview summaries' with subheadings 'Introduction', 'Professor Livesley's report', 'Margaret Couchman - 29 June 2000' and 'Christine Joice - 15 June 2000'

Subheadings also include: 'The legal framework', 'Professor Livesley's conclusions', 'Outline Chronology', 'The evidence of Mrs Lesley Lack - an outline', 'Dr Jane Barton - 25 July 2000' and 'Philip James Beed - 24 July 2000'. [Note - some pages are unnumbered and pages are not in chronological order] Refers to: Daedalus Ward, War Memorial Hospital, Dr Barton, standard of care, nursing staff, Mrs Lesley Lack, report by Professor Livesley, Mrs Gladys Richards, Dr Barton's statement, 'culture of inappropriate medical practice', 'Mrs Lack has serious reservations about the standard of care at Glen Heathers' (annotation), medicines, Mr Philip Beed, Ms Margaret Couchman, Ms Christine Joice [various spellings] (staff nurse), detailed chronology, admission of Mrs Richards to Royal Hospital Haslar (dated 29 July 1998), hip operation, readmission to GWMH (dated 17 August), ambulance transfer on a sheet, syringe driver, Linda Boldecinos (health care support worker), Spiritual Healing, National Federation of Spiritual Healers, chest infection, Jean Dalton (pharmacist), statement of Sue Hutchin (Manager at the hospital), radiologist, fluids, Dr Peters, Dr Beasley, Dr Brigg, Dr Brooks, no oral medication, Daedalus Ward, Dr Bodkin Adams (1957), Devlin J, Principles of Criminal Law (1999), Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority (1986), Re F (1990), Airedale NHS Trust v Bland (1993), House of Lords, Lord Scarman, NHS Trust A v M (2001), Dame Elizabeth Butler-Sloss P, Ward L J, In re A (Children) (Conjoined Twins: Surgical Separation) (2001), R v Adomako (1995), A-G's Reference (No 2 of 1999) (2000), massive haematoma (annotation), kidney failure (19 August) (annotation), 'Lack strongly believes that mother did not have a rattly chest or other symptoms of bronchopneumonia' (annotation), Portsmouth Healthcare NHS Trust, Lesley Humphrey (Quality Manager, Portsmouth Health Care Trust), signs of anxiety misinterpreted as pain (annotation), Discharge Letter from Royal Hospital Haslar, Dr Barton's medical training, Coroner's Officer, Philip Beed's medical background, BNF, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Monica Crawford (nurse) and Staff Nurse Marjoram. Associated with: CPS001871, CPS001873 and CPS001885.


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Crown Prosecution Service
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