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Gosport Independent Panel

Minutes of 'Case Conference' re Mrs Gladys Richards Date: 23 November 1998 Location: Gosport Social Services Area Centre

Attendees: Mr D Thorne (Team Manager, Social Services Department), Mrs G Mackenzie (eldest daughter), Mr A Chamberlain (General Manager, Glen Heathers Nursing Home), Mr J Perkins (Manager, Glen Heathers Nursing Home), Ms J Page (Inspector, Nursing Homes Inspectorate) and Care Manager, Social Services Department. Annotated: 'APP.A 14 3 23' - '0109'. Refers to: Mr Thorne, Glen Heathers Nursing Home, DSS, Social Services, Hampshire County Council, Mrs Hoggarth, Social Work Department (Haslar Hospital), Duty Social Worker, Mrs Lack, Ms Page's Summary and Conclusion, Mrs Lack's notes, referral from Orthopaedic Ward (Haslar Hospital), Mrs Dacombe (Duty Social Worker), Accident and Emergency Department (Haslar), answer phone messages to Mrs Lack from Glen Heathers, John Perkins, Andrew Chamberlain, Accident Policy (Glen Heathers), Accident Books, Sue, Daily Record, soiled stockings, spectacles, hearing aids, GP, chest infection, medicines, First Aid Instruction Course, x-ray and Dr Banks. Associated with: CPS001871 and CPS001873.


Unique ID:
Owner's document ID:
These / Home
23 Nov 1998
Contributing organisation:
Crown Prosecution Service
Number of pages:
Referenced in the report: