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Gosport Independent Panel

Operation Rochester' - 'Draft Guidance for Medical Experts' (Hampshire Constabulary) including 'Comments on Draft Guidance to Medical Experts' and a document defining legal terms

Refers to: Operation Rochester, Hampshire Police, Gosport War Memorial Hospital, 'falls below acceptable standards' (annotation), 'cannot give evidence of intention - could say would be obvious to the reasonably compet[�] person that would hasten death' (annotation), Criminal Gross Negligence, Unlawful Act, Homicide, negligence, 'Criminal standard will apply, 'Sure, beyond reasonable doubt' and that it should be clean[?] when opinions and/or findings are express[...] whether they are to that standard or less certain' (annotation), causative, 'Manslaughter by Unlawful Act', 'The act must be criminal - the unlawful act must be the cause or a substantial cause of the death' (annotation), House of Lords, 'Manslaughter by Gross Negligence', R v Adomako (1993), 'The risk that has to be foreseable is a risk of death' (annotation), Crown, de minimis, 'Murder', 'Unlawful Act Manslaughter', 'Gross Negligence Manslaughter', Church (1966), DPP v Newbury (1977), Goofdellow (1986), 'Causation', R v Cheshire (1991), R v HM Coroner for Inner London, ex parte Douglas-Williams (1998), R v Dyson (1909), 'De minimis' and 'Multifactorial'. Associated with: CPS001397.


Unique ID:
27 Jul 2004
Contributing organisation:
Crown Prosecution Service
Number of pages:
Referenced in the report: