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Gosport Independent Panel

Operation Rochester' - 'Disclosure of Material to the General Medical Council' by D/SIO DW with subheadings 'Situation Report' and 'General Medical Council Disclosure',

Refers to: Operation Rochester, 'number of deaths of elderly patients at the Gosport War Memorial Hospital between 1988 and 2000', Gladys Richards (died 21 August 1998), Dr Jane Barton, medicines, Crown Prosecution Service, Det Chief Inspector Burt (investigation passed to him 29 September 1999), Professor Liveley [Livesley?] (medical expert), David Perry (Treasury Counsel), Esa [Eva?] Page, Brian Cunningham, Robert Wilson, Alice Wilkie, Det Supt James (Senior Investigating Officer), Dr Mundy [also appears as Professor] (medical expert), Professor Ford (medical expert), Commission for Health Improvement, Detective Chief Superintendent Watts, Chief Medical officer, Matthew Lohn (legal-medico lawyer), Detective Superintendent James raised Dr Barton's professional conduct with the GMC Fitness to practice Directorate (dated 6 February 2002), Mr Michael Hudspith (GMC), section 35A of the Medical Act 1983 (Amendment) Order 2000, Woolgar v Chief Constable of Sussex Police 2000, GMC's Interim Orders Committee, GMC's preliminary Proceedings Committee, Professional Conduct Committee, Linda Quinn (GMC), Hampshire Police, Chief Constable Kernaghan, Mr Findlay Scott (Chief Executive, GMC), Louise Povey (Fitness to Practice Directorate, GMC), meeting (dated 6 July 2004), Category 2 cases (sub-optimal care), Mr Robert Drybrough-Smith, Paul Close, category 3 cases and 'Disclosure Options for discussion Friday 23 July 2004'. Associated with: CPS001397.


Unique ID:
23 Jul 2004
Contributing organisation:
Crown Prosecution Service
Number of pages:
Referenced in the report: