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Gosport Independent Panel

Correspondence from Rob Drybrough-Smith (Head London Division II) to Paul Close (Special Casework Lawyer) re 'Operation Rochester - Gosport War Memorial Hospital' - 'Guidance to expert witnesses and Disclosure to GMC' enclosing correspondence

Annotated with correspondence from Paul to RDS reading: 'Sorry for slippage. Of course i agree with the law notes ([...])! I enc you old working gile with DP's advice in case law in it may assist. as to (4) and (5) i do not know th answer - can we discuss? I think i [...]' [Note - bottom of page cut off due to photocopying] Enclosing: 1. Correspondence from Detective Superintendent David Williams (Operation Rochester) signed pp Y Martin to Mr R Dryborough Smith (Crown Prosecution Service) re 'Re: Operation Rochester - Investigation into deaths at the Gosport War Memorial Hospital' annotated '196' 2. 'two notes which I have prepared, relying heavily in part on Steve O'Doherty's training material for deaths in custody'. [Note - the 'two notes' were not present at the time of cataloguing] Refers to: guidance on law, disclosure to the GMC, disciplinary hearing, meeting between Detective Superintendent David Williams and Rob Drybrough-Smith (dated 6 July 2004), meeting between Detective Superintendent David Williams and Detective Chief Superintendent Watts (dated 23 July 2004), ongoing criminal investigation, Hampshire Constabulary, medical notes, associated police reports, '60 or so cases that have been assessed into the sub optimal category', prima facie evidence, IOC, Dr Barton, clinical team of five experts, Crown Prosecution, expert witnesses, legal issues around Homicide and four cases which have been fast tracked by the CPS. Associated with: CPS001397.


Unique ID:
27 Jul 2004
Contributing organisation:
Crown Prosecution Service
Number of pages:
Referenced in the report: