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Gosport Independent Panel

Correspondence from Gillian M MacKenzie to Attorney-General (Legal Secretariat of the Law Officers) re 'Gladys M Richards and others dec'd' - 'Gosport Memorial Hospital' - '1998-2001' annotated 'Copy for DPP (GWM)' including correspondence

Including: Correspondence from Mrs Gillian M MacKenzie to Deputy Chief Constable I R Readhead (Hampshire Constabulary) re 'Re. IR/DCC/LJS'. Refers to: Hampshire Constabulary 'incompetence', Gosport CID, Lord MacKay's ruling, Adomako (1995), Hampshire CPS, Chief Constable Sir John Hoddinott, Professional Standards Department Hampshire Constabulary HQ, PCA, DCI Ray Burt, Mr Paul Close, publicity in The Portsmouth News (April 2001) re the PCA's ruling, Det Supt John James, Commission for Health Improvement report (published 3 July 2002), Gosport War Memorial Hospital, Clinical Assistant, BBC TV, GMC, CPS, medicines, Geriatric Consultant (Portsmouth Healthcare Trust), MOD (Royal Haslar Hospital), correspondence from I R Readhead to Gillian M MacKenzie (dated 19 August), eye surgery at Moorfields (dated 8 July), Chief Supt Dan Clacher, D Graham, 'Malice aforethought', Commission for Health Improvement, correspondence from Gillian M MacKenzie to the Director of Public Prosecutions (dated 1 July), Paul Close, no evidence of a haematoma, correspondence from Paul Close to Gillian M MacKenzie (dated 31 July), correspondence from I R Readhead to Mr Daw (dated 23 July), independent medical opinion of Dr Lord, death of Bulbeck following care at Gosport War Memorial Hospital (2001), 'another near miss due to an overdose of drugs' (Ripley), Supt Paul Stickler (Sticker), Daedalus and Dryad wards, Derek Stevens, February meeting. Associated with: CPS000546, CPS000870 and CPS001023.


Unique ID:
28 Aug 2002
Contributing organisation:
Crown Prosecution Service
Number of pages:
Referenced in the report: