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Gosport Independent Panel

Correspondence from Rob Drybrough-Smith (Head London Division II) to Paul Close (Special Casework Lawyer, London Branch 3) re 'Operation Rochester - Gosport War Memorial Hospital' - 'Guidance to expert witness and Disclosure to GMC' with enclosures

Annotated with correspondence from Paul to RDS (dated 11 August) re 'I agree with the law notes' enclosing 'your old working file with DP's advice'. Enclosing: 1. Correspondence from Detective Superintendent David Williams signed pp Y Martin (Operation Rochester, Hampshire Police) to Mr R Drybrough Smith (Crown Prosecution Service) re 'Re: Operation Rochester - Investigation into deaths at the Gosport War Memorial Hospital' 2. 'Operation Rochester' - 'Disclosure of Material to the General Medial Council' - 'Situation Report' (dated 23 July 2004) signed by DW D/SIO. Refers to: Hampshire police, Steve O'Doherty's training material for deaths in custody, disclosure to the GMC, criminal trial, meeting between Mr R Drybrough Smith and David Williams (dated 6 July 2004), 'Investigation for the purposes of an Interim Orders Committee Hearing', meeting between David Williams and Detective Chief Superintendent Watts (dated 23 July 2004), disclosure, IOC, guidance to 'medical experts document', Gosport War Memorial Hospital, Crown Prosecution Service, investigation passed to Det Chief Inspector Burt (29 September 1999), Professor Lively [Livesley?], Dr Jane Barton, medicines, Mrs Richards. David Perry (Treasury Counsel), Crown Prosecution service concluded that there was no reliable evidence that Gladys Richards was unlawfully killed (August 2001), four families reported concerns regarding deaths of family members (July 2001) including Esa [Eva?] Page, Brian Cunningham, Robert Wilson and Alice Wiklie, Det Supt James (Senior Investigating Officer), Dr Mundy, Professor Ford, Professor Mundy, Commission for Health Improvement interviewed 59 staff at Gosport War Memorial Hospital (between October 2001 and May 2002), third police investigation under Detective Chief Superintendent Watts (September 2002), Matthew Lohn (legal-medico lawyer), Detective Superintendent James, GMC Fitness to practice Directorate, Michael Hudspith, Woolgar vs Chief Constable of Sussex Police 2000, Professor Livesay [Livesley?], Professor Ford, Professor Mundy, IOC, Interm Orders Committee, meeting between Linda Quinn (GMC) and DCS Watts (dated 30 September 2003), Chief Constable Kernaghan, Mr Findlay Scott (Chief Executive of the GMC), Louise Povey (GMC Fitness to Practice Directorate) and medicines. [Note - 'our old working file with DP's advice' was not present at the time of cataloguing] Associated with: CPS000546, CPS000870 and CPS000857.


Unique ID:
30 Jul 2004
Contributing organisation:
Crown Prosecution Service
Number of pages:
Referenced in the report: