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Gosport Independent Panel

Operation Rochester' - 'Further Advice' by David Perry QC and Louis Mably including 'Table of GMC Evidence' and 'Table of Inquest Evidence'

Refers to: written advice for the Crown Prosecution Service (dated 2006), Dr Jane Barton, Gosport War Memorial Hospital, Hampshire Constabulary, Operation Rochester, Code for Crown Prosecutors, Fitness to Practice Panel, General Medical Council, Coroners Act 1988, R (Middleton) v West Somerset Coroner and another (2004), The coroners Rules 1984, 'inquests into the ten deaths' (opened 18 March 2009), Mr Anthony Bradley (Coroner for North Hampshire), Dr David Black, Dr Andrew Wilcock, Dr Dudley, Dr Petch, jury verdicts (dated 20 April 2009), deceased patient's (cause of death: 1A Bronchopneumonia 2 Severe depression), Elsie Lavender (cause of death: 1A High cervical cord injury), Helena Service (cause of death: 1A Congestive cardiac failure), Ruby Lake (Patient F) (cause of death: 1A Bronchopneumonia 2 Fractured neck of femur repaired on 5 August 1998), Arthur Cunningham (Patient G) (cause of death: 1A Bronchopneumonia 1B Sacral ulcer 2 Parkinson's disease), Robert Wilson (Patient H) (cause of death: 1A Congestive cardiac failure 2 Alcoholic cirrhosis), Enid Spurgin (Patient I) (cause of death: 1A Infected wound 2 Fractured right hip repaired on 20 March 1999), Geoffrey Packman (Patient J) (cause of death: 1A Gastrointestinal haemorrhage), Elsie Devine (Patient K) (cause of death: 1A Chronic renal failure 1B Amoloydosis 1C IgA Paraprotenaemia), Sheila Gregory (cause of death: 1A Pulmonary embolus 2 Fractured neck of femur), report of Professor Baker, Mrs Spurgeon, Eva Page (Patient C), Alice Wilkie (Patient D), Gladys Richards (Patient E), Jean Stevens (Patient L), Professor Gary Ford (Jacobson Chair of Clinical Pharmacology) and medicines. Associated with: CPS000546, CPS000788 and CPS000796.


Unique ID:
31 Mar 2010
Contributing organisation:
Crown Prosecution Service
Number of pages:
Referenced in the report: