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Gosport Independent Panel

Correspondence from Detective Superintendent David Williams (Hampshire Constabulary) to Mr Paul Philip (Director of Fitness to Practise, General Medical Council) re 'Operation Rochester - Investigation into Deaths at Gosport War Memorial Hospital'

Acknowledging: meeting (dated 13 January 2005), previous correspondence (dated 25 January 2005), an email (dated 28 February) re 'an update of the position of the Hampshire Constabulary' and correspondence from Mr Paul Philip to ACC Watts (dated 21 April 2005). Annotation: 'CPS Copy' [incomplete]. Refers to: a request for 'limited disclosure', Elsie Devine, witness statements, medical records, written representations and transcripts of tapes, recorded interviews with Dr Barton, experts' reports, GMC, Woolgar v Chief Constable Sussex 2000, Page, Cunningham, Wilson, Wilkie, Richards, the disclosure of 47 category 2 cases to the GMC and NMC between September and December 2004, Interim Order Committee hearings (dated 12 September 2002, 19 September 2002 and 7 October 2004), Gosport War Memorial Hospital, Dr Barton commenced the post of Clinical Assistant in 1988, Dr Barton was an experienced GP, Dr Lord, Dr Tandy, Elsie Devine being treated for non-existing cancer by Dr Barton, chronical renal failure, Medicine, Renal Physician, Notice to Disclosure Under Section 35A of the Medical Act 1983, ACPO 'Managing Risks to Public Safety from Health Care and Teaching Professionals' and Article 6 The Right to a Fair Trial. Associated with CPS000419.


Unique ID:
Owner's document ID:
Operation Rochester
28 Apr 2005
Contributing organisation:
Crown Prosecution Service
Number of pages:
Referenced in the report: