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Gosport Independent Panel

Transcript of 'General Medical Council' - 'Fitness to Practice Panel (Serious Professional Misconduct)' - Case of Jane Ann Barton - Day Thirty-Four - Wednesday 29 July 2009 - Location: Regent's Place, 350 Euston Road, London NW1 3JN

Chairman: Mr Andrew Reid. Panel Members: Ms Joy Julien, Mrs Pamela Mansell, Mr William Payne and Dr Roger Smith. Legal Assessor: Mr Francis Chamberlain. Other attendees: Mr Tom Kark (Field Fisher Waterhouse), Mr Ben Fitzgerald (Field Fisher Waterhouse), Mr Timothy Langdale QC (Medical Defence Union) and Mr Alan Jenkins (Medical Defence Union). Testimony given by Professor Karol Sikora. Refers to: Hammersmith Hospital, Cancer Partners UK, NHS, Cambridge University, Middlesex Hospital, Royal College of Radiologists, College of Physicians, Imperial College School of Medicine, Scientific Advisory Board of Source BioScience Plc, University of Buckingham, Cambridge Addenbrooke's Hospital, St Bartholomew's, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, Stanford University, Ludwig Institute, Help Hammer Cancer appeal, World Health Organisation, Pharmacia Corporation, UK Health Department's Expert Advisory Group on Cancer, Committee on Safety of Medicines, Fitness to Practise Panel hearing, Commission for Health Improvement (CHI), Dr Barton, Gosport War Memorial Hospital, Dr Lord, Dr Tandy, Dr Reid, Professor Ford, Palliative Care Handbook, Wessex Procedure, WHO analgesic ladder, St Christopher's Hospice, Medicine, Eva Page, NHS, Liverpool Care Pathway, Sister Joines, Queen Alexandra Hospital, 'Good Medical Practice', BNF, Dr Wilkie, Dr Grunstein, Campbell case, Giffin, Tubritt [Tubbritt?] and Shirley Hallman. Associated with: CPS000333. [Duplicate of CPS000129?]


Unique ID:
29 Jul 2009
Contributing organisation:
Crown Prosecution Service
Number of pages:
Referenced in the report: